Friday, November 20, 2009


So I've figured out where my weakness is at...the WEAKend. But I am determined not to let this one get by like ones in the past. You know, the weekends where there is no workout, no cardio, bad food choices, and over indulgence in tailgating beverages. The weekends where your so full of guilt that you throw in the towel...because why bother, you already did the damage. NO WAY! Not Again! Sure, I'm taking another day off from strength training today, but I'm listening to my body and it's telling me that's a good idea -and that I earned it! But not to fear, I'll be sure to get my cardio in tonight. Here's a little tip I just learned, "make sure not to go more than 48 hours between your cardio workouts" -you begin to lose the benefits of the workouts if you do. So here's the plan, tonight my family and I will join hundrededs of screaming teens, and adults (me), for the much anticipated release of New Moon. However, if you caught the news this week, you learned the same thing I did...that on average a medium sized bag of MOVIE POPCORN contains 60 GRAMS OF SATURATED FAT! Well, happy about it or not, my family will not be having that tonight! Instead we will make sure to munch our apples down before the show, make it through the movie without a sugar/fat overload, and get out in time for a healthy dinner. As for the rest of the weekend, you'll just have to check back...I'm going to make the blog site my accountability for the weekend. Really hard to give in when I know many will be anxious to see how I do. Here's to a Heart Healthy Day! Take Care

1 comment:

  1. Bummer...a movie without the popcorn. You go girl. Have fun at the movie though.

