Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sherri Did Her Thing Today!

Whewwwwwwwww!  I got up at 4:45 this morning, had a hard boiled egg, oatmeal and half and apple, brushed my teeth and headed to LP.  I slept in my workout gear so I didn’t have to worry about putting that on getting up at the crack of dawn.  I’m so not a morning person.  It was 5:29 and Sarah, bless her heart, was right there waiting for me as I walked through the door.  We did a basic work out that included squats, dumb bells, push ups, those band things, a couple of the weight machines and to finish it off about 30 minutes of the treadmill.  I had a nice sweat going by the time I left LP today!  It was a really nice way to start the day. 

Got home took a shower get my daughter up, my dog fed and walked and I will head out the door to begin my work day.  Tomorrow is my day of rest so I’m glad I got today’s work out done early. 

I got some good food ideas from Katie yesterday.  She even gave my daughter some ideas to make better choices with the foods she eats.

At this moment I feel like I’m on the right track.  I’m amazed at how good I feel!  Everyone have a great Thursday.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at Monday’s group meeting!

Here’s to our health!



  1. I saw you on the treadmill, but was trying to squeeze in as much exercise as I could. Great job!

  2. You saw me? I though it was the money I could be saving with Gieco looking at me! ;-)

    Sorry I missed you. We must try to get together for a workout sometime.

  3. that's great...I would've done the same thing...sleeping in my clothes to make the appt at the gym! How motivating and REAL!
    Great job!
