Thursday, December 31, 2009

Well my sister headed home today, but we did get one last workout with her in. Glad she was here to keep me motivated, although I really have been doing that on my own. Met with Kristi today. I will never tell her what is hard again (just joking Kristi) because then she wants to "help me out with that" (lol). Today I said I still get short of breath doing steps, so we (I) did the stairstepper. I kind of whimped out today as I am not feeling so hot (sinus crud) AND that time of the month, but at least I was there and did something. I did pretty good this week; body pump twice, two workouts on Monday and today is my last day to smoke! Yeah! Everyones blogs have been very encouraging. Keep up the good work and Happy New Year.


  1. So proud of you on the smoking cessation! This is a big step, Janet, but I know you can do it! What a great way to start off the New Year!

  2. yeah, on the no husband is trying to quit also right now...he gives it up for about 6 months then starts again. I'll be rooting for BOTH of you!
