Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 7 came up so fast!

I can't believe we only have 5 weeks left of this challenge. Part of me is ready for it to be over, but mostly I am scared for this challenge to end. I don't feel I am ready for the end of the accountability, for the end of the learning, for the end of the support we receive from each other and the LifePointe staff. I still have things to learn about exercise and I know Rob will continue to help me. I have expressed my concerns to him and he is working on a plan for me - that is wonderful. But we still have 5 weeks to knock it out of the park!!

I know we will continue learning and growing - hopefully not physically - when this challenge is over. I know I will take so much with me - I have learned so much about exercise and about nutrition. I have even learned so much about myself and what I am capable of, but I am no near where I was hoping to be at this point. I was hoping to have lost more weight, inches, etc. But most importantly, I was hoping to have figured out WHY I allowed myself to become overweight. Becoming overweight is more than just eating too much and eating the wrong things and not being active enough. But I haven't figured out WHY I have done those things to myself. I HAVE admitted to myself that I am MAD at myself for allowing this to happen and that I need help and that is a huge hurdle for me.

But I do have to celebrate my successes - I have lost 8-10 lbs (that fluctuates), not sure about how many inches, I just know that my pants are fitting differently. When I bend over to tie my shoes, I don't cut off my circulation - that is a bonus!! I am sleeping so much better and that feels good. I fall asleep faster and wake up rested!! It hasn't been that way for me for YEARS!! So I feel good about that.

I love reading all of your posts, ladies!!! You are so inspirational to me and to others that are reading this. We are in this together and we experience so many of the same things - those darn food days at work!!! We had 2 food days this month at work and I was able to maintain my intake the first one and the 2nd food day, I walked on by - it helped having bronchitis and not feeling well - even though that hasn't been fun!! But it did help in not partaking.

Well, time to call it a night and hope this next week brings some energy for me - this snow has kept me in the house for 3 1/2 days!!! I love that I have been able to stay in and not have to go anywhere. Quality family time!!! But I am getting cabin fever and need to get out.

See you ladies Monday evening at LifePointe!!! Looking forward to the comraderie!!!


  1. You have been doing a great job! You should definitely be proud of yourself!

  2. While it would be great to get "fast" results, the reality is that it truly is a slow and steady change. Keep this in mind and celebrate the small changes (losing 8-10 pounds is AMAZING!!) and know that as you push forward, you'll experiences many more successes along the way. You're doing an amazing job and we are all so proud of you!

  3. You've done a great job so's a journey that keeps on going. Good to see you the other day...I could tell the difference in your smiling face!
