Monday, December 21, 2009

Judy has a realization

I have been feeling like failure for the last few weeks but today I realized that I have actually obtained one of the goals I aimed for when starting this challenge. I wanted to be able to sing with my students without getting so out of breath. On Friday we sang our made up version of Santa Clause is Coming to Town. I could still breathe when we finished and we had three verses! So, even though I am not seeing results in inches and pounds, I am making progress. It's a good feeling! I hope you've noticed a difference too. Sometimes I think we want those more noticeable results but forget how much better we feel.


  1. You are so right, Judy. Thanks for putting it into perspective. I have noticed improvements in my energy and I can actually run up a couple flights of stairs without feeling like I'm gonna collapse! I actually look forward to working out too!! I have been feeling great the last several weeks!!!


  2. I agree with Sheri! The stairs are no longer avoided by me at work, I actually like taking them throughout the day!

  3. you are further today then a year ago...keep up the baby steps and soon you'll be up a mountian.

  4. Way to go!!! There are other improvements that we have to remind ourselves of - I too can't believe how far I have come with my cardio. But you are right - we want visual results NOW!! It can be so frustrating. You are doing great!!! Keep up the good work!!
