Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sherri is free to roam the city of Lincoln again!

Good Morning Ladies!

How about the white Christmas we had?  I didn’t bother to leave my house on Christmas day or the day after for that matter.  The best part was I didn’t have to worry about the temptation of Christmas dinner, dessert or the Holiday “spirits” because I don’t have anything like that at my house.  Instead I relaxed and watched the snow dreading the fact that once it stopped I was going to get the workout of the winter!  I was right!  Yesterday morning I began the task of scooping snow.  I have a snow blower but it was no match for the mountains of snow we had so most of it had to be moved by hand.  I scooped and I scooped and I scooped.  Then when it was all done  i made a couple of snow angels and played “go fetch the snowball” with my puppy (it’s hilarious to watch him try to find the snowball once it has disappeared in the snow!) but my neighbor got stuck and I was off scooping again.  I was so sweaty and my muscles were so tired when I finally came in (about two and a half hours later), I treated myself to a hot bath and a delicious cup of chamomile tea. Oh that was so nice!! 

Today is the Christmas make up day.  It will be quick and painless because most of the family has to get back to work tomorrow.  The next test for me will be New Years Eve.  My system has been alcohol free since well before this challenge began and I have to admit there have been times when I have really wanted a drink but I have abstained.  It’s easy to abstain if you get the urge and there is no alcohol around.  If you get the urge when it is free flowing it’s a whole other ballgame! 

Well I’m off to meet up with Millie.  Got a date at LP with Sarah tomorrow morning.  Life’s good!  It’s week eight and we are doing GREAT!!  Keep up the awesome work ladies!

Here’s to our health,



  1. Great job on your success of the Christmas Holiday!!! I wish I could have been as strong!

  2. Sounds like you've already set yourself up to have a very successful 2010! Keep up the great work, Sherri! Shoveling snow is a workout in itself, huh?
