Friday, December 18, 2009

Skating work out!

I'm in the same boat as Judy....last Holiday rush at school! Everyone is having parties, food, snacks like a mountain of sugar in the teachers lounge. Good thing I'm not to attracted to pure sugar...but there was some homemade blueberry pie with homemade crust that kept calling my name. I did resist! However with all this go-go and no sleep....I finally succumbed to my usual bronchitis and no voice! It got worse today...i literally had to whisper! Actually the cold part/stuffy nose has run it's course and now I just sound bad! I did promise my 3rd grader-daughter this morning that since I was done with my lessons that I would go on their skating field trip. Unbelievable! Last year I went and skated 3 times slowly around the rink and about died of shin splits! Today....I kept skating and kept skating, for 2 hours! I even did the limbo...which would have ended up in the hospital last year! It was fun and I could tell that my daughter was so proud and having fun. Other moms just sat on the I did last year! that's the biggest factor for me...keeping up with my family so I can enjoy these moments that will never come again.

I hope to get to the gym more next week with some time off from school.

I've also found that I kind of like the splenda in my coffee and some times just "fat-free' cream is good enough! Hold on to your will-power ladies...its gonna get tougher this week! You can do it!

I do my assessment tomorrow....wish me luck!


  1. Hey Anne Marie,
    you look good in your picture! Hooray for you for going on the skating field trip and for being able to skate. It made me think that maybe I could count all the snow scooping and walking through snow drifts to feed and water my horses as some aerobic exercise. At least if I tell myself it counts I'll feel a little less of a failure.
    Hooray for some much needed time off. If you would like to get together some times the next couple of weeks, give me a call. It will be nice to be more flexible with times.

  2. PS Good luck with your assessment!

  3. Hey Mamasita!

    You are lookin' "Mucho Caliente"!!

    Good luck eith the assessment. I plan to get to the gym more as well over the holiday break. After the 23rd I don't go back to work until the 4th!! Give me a call if you want a workout buddy.


  4. PS If you are up to it let's take our girls skating during the break!


  5. Great picture, Anna!
