Friday, December 4, 2009

Sherri is back!

Howdy everyone!

Thanksgiving was nice.  I spent time in St. Louis with my family.  The food was so good but I was able to keep my appetite under control and not go over board.  I didn’t get in a bunch of vigorous exercise during the holiday but I did take time to walk everyday for at least an hour.  Overall I was successful at sticking to my goals! 

It is good to be back home.  I was missing the sweat sessions I was growing accustomed to during the previous weeks before the holiday.   I met with Sarah this morning at 5:30 and she worked me real good.  I was glistening all over by the time we were done.  My daughter has been motivated to work out with me this week so we have been doing some of the things that Sarah has shown me and giving “Millie” a lot of use.  It feels good to have her support although I still can’t get her to eat her vegetables most of the time. 

There is so much going on with Christmas just around the corner.  As always, it is exciting yet exhausting.  In addition to keeping my food choices top of mind, I have to really manage my time to make sure all the important things get done.  I’m looking forward to a well deserved extended holiday here at home in a couple of weeks and having extra time to spend working out at LP!  I’m glad everyone survived Thanksgiving and is still motivated!

Here’s to our health!


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