Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making changes...slowly but "shirley"..but don't call me that

Hi girlfriends,
I had a great workout today Sat 7am! with Tracy. (did I mention again, I'm not a morning person?) I'm proud to say that i actually did 100 push-ups...not all at one time but in between other sets of endurance/exercises. Wow, that's more then I think that i've done since 7th grade...and I've been out of junior high for a little while:) I pretty much ate the floor on the last 2-3 push-ups. We've been working on strengthening my knees and legs also..which really has helped with my balance. I can't believe how much better my balance is. I'm getting a jaw line now too. People have stopped asking me "when are you due?". I kind of feel "sexy"! Don't tell my husband....he'd run with that one! My oldest daughter thought that my butt was getting smaller. My youngest baby (9yrs) said the other day, "Mom, I didn't want to tell you this before but I've always wanted a skinny mom, and now you are starting to look better." Gosh, I must have been really in denile for longer then I thought. Not the type of deep conversations you imagine sharing with your children...but I'll take it.

This week I'm going to try to early am classes...kind of got messed up with all the snow last week. I , also, did the shoveling thing. That really gets ya sweaty. Kind of makes me think I getting a good work out..or a good work-up for a heart attack. I heard about so many out of shape people having chest pains and a few heart attacks from being out of sync with their body. Hopefully, I am changing that now for the better. Even the revered Otis Young, with all his talent, charisma and kindness couldn't foresee heart disease...God rest his soul. My friends husband had a heart attack in the snow also but was more fortunate...he stumbled to the house for help and made it to his wife! Makes you think, doesn't it.

My trainer lent me a great cook book today with "Splenda" recipes in it. I stopped at Hy-Vee and purchased Wheat flour and Brown sugar "Splenda" and plain "Splenda". I'm gonna try some baking with it. I've also been paying attention to not "drinking my calories". We love juices and blends of fruits drinks at our house. I purchased a Cranberry/strawberry lite Hy-vee juice...pretty good. No bitter aftertaste. The flours and "sugar sub" were more pricey then I thought at about $4 -6 a package. But if it helps...I'm game. Wow, I've been blabby today...better then flabby i guess! By the way...I've almost lost 7lbs...slowly but shirley!:)


  1. 100 push up!!! You totally ROCK Anna!! That's awesome!


  2. It was great seeing you the other morning! Hope to see you at BodyCombat tomorrow morning!
