Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Worst Blogger in the world!

Okay, I admit to being not very "technologic" as one of my younger students told me recently but honestly, I really thought I had been sending messages. They obviously didn't end up here so I had to go to our computer teacher at school (that's where I work - at a school in case you didn't know that). She just laughed and laughed and then she helped me again. Hopefully I will now remember how to do this.
Anyway, not only am I "technologically challenged", I am not doing very well with my commitments to myself and to the challenge we are doing. I think it is very easy for women to let everyone else come first and not take care of ourselves. This week is particularly hard since it is the last week before winter break for my students.
They are so excited and I love their enthusiasm but I come home everday exhausted! It seems that every day after school I have a committee meeting or a faculty function I have to attend. I was doing fairly well at least getting on my treadmill everyday. Now it is week 6 and I feel like I'm failing. I felt like it was time for me to admit my shortcomings. Maybe someone else is in the same "boat". Sorry for being negative.

I really appreciate all the great messages you are sharing - you should be very proud of your accomplishments so far.
I am going to try to go to LP tomorrow morning around 5:30 as that seems to be the only time I have these days. Hopefully.....
I think Tracy's idea for gettingus together for some group workouts on Sat. mornings would be terrific. I hope we can work that out.
Hang in there ladies!!


  1. I appreciate your honesty, Judy! Changing your lifestyle like this is not the easiest task to accomplish, but we KNOW you can do it. It's so important for all women to understand that putting themselves first isn't a simple task, but it is SO important. Let me know if you need anything! Even though we are at week 6, there are still 6 weeks to go! :)

  2. Hey Judy,

    I'm not in the same boat as you but I'm in the boat right next to you! All kidding aside, I work out like no bodies business but "time" keeps me from being able to prepare the right foods a some of the time. I do good at breakfast and lunch but dinner is usually the worst! I understand how you can become discouraged.
    I can't magically give you energy or make the days have 26 hours instead of 24 but if there is ANYTHING I can do to help let me know. The one thing I don't want any of us to feel is as if we are failures. God willing our lives will extend well beyond this 12 week challenge. I'm sure I speak for not only myself but all the other ladies as well... This is a "rest of our lives challenge". If you fall off, get back on! If you need help, just grab a hand! We are all in this together, Judy.


  3. ditto...what sherri said...could'nt have said it better
