Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Really! Another Food Day! Why?!?

Okay, so I tried real hard to avoid being asked, "can we have a food day with our gift exchange?", but I couldn't dodge that bullet. I work with 27 of the greatest people I know, and along with me -we have shared some of the most monumental food days! But with a stronger focus on my nutrition, I know that these food days aren't just potential sabotage for my diet, but not good for any of us! There's not just one table of food [FAT] today, but 3! And amongst the spread are some of my favorite un-healthy foods. But thinner FEELS better than anything tastes, right!? I think about the hard work I've done in just 2 days of this week... having taken a BodyPump class Monday morning, abs & cycling last night, BodyCombat this morning, and my fitness assessment/evaluation tonight with Kristi... I've come to the conclusion that I'll be having the low sodium-low fat / high flavor chicken chowder I made. Have a Heart Healthy Day!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya Carolee... It is a pain in the butt ALL the food!! I will be so glad when the holidays are done for that reason alone!!
