Monday, December 7, 2009

Bet you thought I disappeared!

I am finally back again. I am sorry to say that I was not doing very well with the challenge for the first few weeks and so I didn't blog. I am happy to say that thanks to understanding personnel at Life Pointe, I have been given an new coach. What a difference one small woman named Sarah can make! She has been so encouraging this last week, I feel like I finally on track.
I had made up my mind to keep trying - at least walking on my treadmill here at home but it is so much better with Sarah helping me. I will be anxious to hear how everyone is doing the next time we get together. Also, I will get the picture we took with my camera posted or sent soon. I am waiting for a new connector for the camera - I evidently lost the one I had for it. You ladies are all so good at writing and I have enjoyed reading your blogs. Oh, yes that was another of my problems, I couldn't remember the passwords. Now you are probably thinking why did they allow this forgetful old woman in this challenge. Do you think my memory might improve with better overall health? :)

1 comment:

  1. Remember Judy, not to compare your progress to others...this is a betterU not "us". The important thing is that you are back with us and on track. There is still alot of time for you to make a lifetime difference...we are rooting for ya! Take care, Anna
