Monday, December 28, 2009


So when it comes to the past five days in this challenge... I get a big FAIL!!! I had gone into the Christmas vacation with the thought that I would track all my food, really watch my alcohol intake and make sure to exercise -even if it was in front of the t.v. doing Abs of Steel.... But when it came down to it, I made the choice to throw in the towel and go on hiatus from the healthy habits I worked to form over the last 6 weeks. I am disappointed in myself and I think I need to be, as I have to learn from this. I noticed my mood wasn't as easy going either (not that being snowed in helped) but I really noticed a big lack of energy as well.

So it's time to step back into the game and start playing like I want to be a winner. And I'm not talking about a winner in this challenge, but a winner in my book. So this morning I hit the gym, and thankfully I hadn't lost all my endurance, like I was sure I had. I ran and lifted some weights... and saw the familiar smiles I have grown to look forward to seeing every day. It was a good lift for my mood and focus. I'll be back in there tonight to sweat it up and learn about New Year's Resolutions with all my BetterU buddies and LifePointe dietitian.

Here's to our Health!


  1. The holidays are certainly the most difficult time to eat well and keep a workout routine in place - it's very easy to get distracted! But good for you for getting back into the game. A big part of this challenge is geared to show you that this is a lifestyle change and in life, you're going to fall off track a bit but the most important part is that you can get back on. I'm proud of you! Keep up the excellent work!!

  2. oh, please...minor set back. You are doing fabulous! The best part is not to give up when you fall back. You have only hit a minor set back...keep on grooving along!
