Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still Workin' It....

So, although my gym activity has slowed this last week... I'm still workin' it at home!

Last night my daughter and I came straight home after work/school to work out. A friend let me borrow one of Jillian's DVD's (trainer from the Biggest Loser). It's called "trouble zones", which for some of us is virtually everywhere! :) When we were getting set up to work out I remembered that my free weights were still begging for attention in the attic of the garage. But I didn't have time to unearth them, so we used cans of Fat Free Refried Beans and canned Vegetables! It was really pretty funny working out with cans of food, but most of the moves were using our own body weight anyway. And truth be told, I'm feeling it [workout] today! I have to tell you, it was such a riot to see my athletically built daughter struggle to keep up with me! Ah, the little pleasures in parenting... Now I truly don't want my daughter to fail, but a little humility goes a long way. And I'm definitely trying to teach her that just working out every once in a while isn't ideal, that it needs to be done on a consistent basis to have lasting results for your health. I could tell that the talk about that last night went out the window, because when I reminded her that we had a workout date again today, she sighed "Again!?"... guess I'll just have to keep at it! :) I'm pretty sure as long as I don't ask her to do anything I wouldn't do... that she'll have a hard time saying no.

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